Market Theatre, George - 2023
The new George Male Choir Logo!
Heritage Concert, George Museum 2023

The Choir – 42 years young!

The George Male Choir consist of men from George as well as the neighbouring towns around George in the Western Cape, South Africa.  The choir was founded in 1982 and is still going strong, endeavouring to be worthy ambassadors for George and the Garden Route.

Choir background

The George Male Choir was founded by pianist Daléne Steenkamp-Brits in 1982 and had a membership of 20+ men from George and the surrounding district.  Throughout the years they have reached many goals and are rated as one of the best adult male choirs in South Africa.  They have performed on radio and television and regularly toured to different parts of the country.  Apart from full recitals, they also perform at church services, weddings, retirement homes and even at a book launch –  and also supported concerts in aid of many different charities.  The George Male Choir has been described as “Something precious” (historian Prof. Bun Booyens, 1982), “Extraordinary” (author Etienne le Roux,1989), “One of the best choirs in the country” (Choirmaster, Durban Male Voice Choir Dr. John Pauw, 1989), “Undoubtedly the best Male Voice Choir in the country” (Organist composer Prof. Pieter van der Westhuizen, 2002).

Onder leiding van Daléne het die koor ‘n omvattende repertorium ontwikkel wat strek van gewyde musiek, Afrika-Amerikaanse geestelike liedere en opera koorliedere tot liedere uit musiekblyspele, kontemporêre komposisies en volksliedere – en is hulle ook nie bang om in ander tale te sing nie!.  Hulle het saam met bekende Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars, soos David Kramer, Rina Hugo, Anneli van Rooyen, Johan en Lida Botha, Paul Eilers, Steve Hofmeyer, Laurika Rauch, Dozi en Nianell opgetree.  In 1992 het hulle ’n spesale toekenning van die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika ontvang vir uitsonderlike dienste.  In 1993 het hulle na Europa gereis en in Nederland, Duitsland en Switserland opgetree met groot lof en staande ovasies by al hulle uitvoerings.  In 2004 het hulle vir ’n tweede maal na Europa gereis vir optredes in Oostenryk, Duitsland, Tsjeggiese Republiek, Nederland en Engeland.  In London het hulle in die Royal Albert Hall gesing as deel van die Ukkasie Fees.

In May 2007 the George Men’s Choir travelled on invitation to Britain to sing in the International Male Voice Choir Festival in Cornwall, where they obtained a fifth place in the international competition.  They also gave further performances in Dublin, Boldre, Huddersfield and Oxford – all to standing ovations.  In 2008 the George Men’s Choir was presented with an Illuminated Address from the Municipality of George in recognition of their outstanding work and subsequent excellent publicity for the town from their performances locally and abroad.  They are sometimes referred to as “George’s best export product”.

Na amper 30 jaar van toewyding aan die George Mannekoor, het Daléne in Oktober 2011 besluit om die tuig as dirigent neer te lê en is opgevolg deur Jan-Erik Swart.  Die eerste groot optrede onder sy leiding was die Afskeidskonsert vir Daléne (sowel as die 30ste-jaar viering van die George Mannekoor) op 28 Februarie 2012.  Afgesien van ander optredes, het die koor ook by die ATKV Animato finale op 30 September 2012 opgetree en ’n suksesvolle kort toer na die Oos Kaap onderneem in dieselfde maand. In Januarie 2015 het Jan-Erik as die koor se dirigent bedank.

In April 2015, Michael van der Walt, accepted the position of conductor of the choir and has since guided the choir in a variety of small and large performances in George and its surrounding area.  Along with the very proficient accompaniment on piano and organ by Tinus Badenhorst, the George Male Choir’s repertoire has changed somewhat to include more current and original material in the mix of its already broad scope of musical genres, making the choir more flexible and able to perform in a variety of concert settings. 

During October 2018 the George Male Choir hosted the third National Male Choir Festival.  Guest choirs Bloemfontein Male Choir and Arbitrio Male Choir together with guest artists Michael Lindt and Dr. Gerrit Jordaan added to the festival’s huge success.  At the end of 2018 Michael decided to focus more on his career as music teacher and resigned from the George Male Choir.

Gedurende Januarie 2019 neem Gideon Brits die leisels oor as dirigent van die koor.  Met sy unieke aanslag tot koorsang het die manne gou aanklank by Gideon gevind en het Gideon ‘n waardevolle bydrae gelewer tot die uitbreiding van die George Mannekoor se ryke repertorium.  Gedurende Oktober 2019, onder Gideon se leiding, neem die George Mannekoor deel aan die Mannekoor-fees in Bloemfontein waar hulle ‘as een van die beste kore van die fees’ bestempel word!

Following a very successful Valentine’s Concert during February 2020, the Choir activities came to an abrupt halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  As the Covid-19 restrictions were eased between the Covid-waves, the Choir used the opportunity to practice and performed mainly at old age homes and church services. Julie McFadden, a highly talented pianist, joined the choir in the meanwhile. The choir turned 40 years old in 2022, and the milestone was aptly celebrated with a gala performance and dinner to a fully packed and appreciative audience. The choir also performed in the Diaz Museum in Mossel Bay, amongst a few more venues as part of the celebrations.

Gideon verlaat die koor in Mei 2022, na ‘n aanbod om op een van die groot passasiersskepe te gaan werk, en na ‘n werwingsproses neem Chrisna du Preez by hom oor as Koordirekteur, en het sy en Julie baie gou die manne tot nuwe hoogtes aangespoor. Optredes saam met die bekende Pallisander koor, ‘n optrede in die St Marks Katedraal, ‘n troue en ander optredes was die Mannekoor weer so besig soos in die verlede. Een van die hoogtepunte in 2022 was die Mannekoor se optrede by die boekbekendstelling van die skrywer Daniel Janse van Rensburg se boek Black Beach, wat plaasgevind het by die Cornerstone Ateljee in Hoekwil. “What an amazing evening – The George Male Choir gave an incredible opening performance, setting the stage for a special evening of memories that I will treasure for a lifetime”

2023 kicked off with a bang, and with well-received concerts at Cornerstone, Tuiniqua, Groenkloof and others, the Choir was also privileged to perform at the Benevolent Park fundraiser in Mossel Bay, as well as participating in the first ever Mossel Bay Arts Festival that was held during August and September. The choir was also invited to perform at the Heritage event at the George Museum in September 2023. The highlight of the year to date was the Male Choir’s participation at the National Male Choir Festival in Bloemfontein in July, where we shared the stage with Male Choirs from Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Alberton, as well as a selection of top-class soloists. The rest of 2023 will remain busy with at least four more concerts scheduled and others requested for consideration.

Die beplande oorsese besoeke moes ongelukkig eers oorstaan weens die hoë kostes daaraan verbonde, en sal die koor beslis daaraan aandag gee vir die toekoms. Die George Mannekoor het egter reeds die bal aan die rol gesit om 27-29 September 2024 die Nasionale Mannekoorfees in George en omgewing aan te bied, en uitnodigings is reeds aan al die bekende Mannekore in die land gerig. Oorsese kore is ook genooi met die hoop om hierdie dan ‘n Internasionale Fees te maak. Opdaterings en inligting sal ook op die webbladsy en ander sosiale media gedeel word.

The George Male Choir is looking forward to continue growing both in numbers and stature, and we recently unveiled our new logo and jacket badges, marking the start of a updated strategic direction the choir is taking. Under the leadership of Chrisna and Julie the Choir is also expanding their repertoire to stay relevant and build on our previous successes.

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